Researched and Prepared by: Attorney Amy Manchester for Bowser Law
SR-22 stands for “Safety Responsibility Form 22.” SR-22 is simply a certificate, or proof of, insurance. If you have been convicted of Driving While Intoxicated, Underage Driving While Intoxicated, Leaving the Scene of an Accident, Conduct After an Accident or a Second Reckless Operation, you must file an SR-22 certificate with the state of New Hampshire. Even if you are not a resident of New Hampshire, you must still file a certificate with New Hampshire. If you do not, New Hampshire will suspend your license and inform your home state of the suspension in New Hampshire. You also still need to file an SR-22 certificate even if you do not own a vehicle. In that scenario, you file what’s known as an operator’s SR-22, which insures your driver’s license or your privilege to drive.
You will have to file an SR-22 certificate for 3 years after your first offense, and habitual traffic offenders have to file one for three years after decertification. Sometimes, in order to retain or restore your license, the Department of Motor Vehicles may require you to file it as a condition of retention or restoration.
New Hampshire does not have a specific SR-22 form. There is a uniform certificate or form that is used throughout the insurance industry, and your individual insurance company should have access to the form.