Attorney Michael Bowser: Distinguished DUI Defense and Personal Injury Lawyer in MA, NH, and ME

Attorney Michael Bowser is a Board-Certified DUI Defense Specialist with an outstanding reputation and a proven track record of success across Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. With extensive experience in both state and federal courts, Attorney Bowser has skillfully defended clients against a wide range of criminal charges, including drunk driving, major drug offenses, sexual assault, domestic violence, assault and battery, fraud, theft, and various traffic violations.

A graduate of Providence College, Attorney Bowser earned his Juris Doctor from Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire in 1994. Since then, he has spent almost 30 years building a distinguished reputation as one of the leading drunk driving defense attorneys in the region, handling numerous cases of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New Hampshire and Operating Under the Influence (OUI) in Massachusetts, as well as Maine.

Attorney Bowser’s strategic approach to DUI defense is underscored by his commitment to comprehensive case preparation. His practice purposely includes attorneys with backgrounds in both public defense and prosecution, ensuring that all aspects of a case are meticulously addressed. He remains at the forefront of DUI defense by continuously updating his knowledge on case law, medical advancements, and technological developments.

In addition to his expertise in criminal defense, Attorney Bowser is a highly regarded personal injury lawyer. His formidable trial skills, refined through countless trials, have led to significant successes in personal injury matters. For almost 30 years, he has achieved substantial verdicts in District and Superior Courts across Massachusetts and New Hampshire. When insurance carriers and defense counsel refuse to offer fair settlements, Attorney Bowser demonstrates an unwavering commitment to securing justice for his clients by presenting compelling cases to juries.

Explore Attorney Bowser’s personal injury verdicts and settlements to see how his dedication and skill can make a difference in your case.


Attorney Shane Goudas

attorney-Shane-GoudasAttorney Shane Goudas is a skilled trial attorney, having obtained experience trying cases in the courtroom as a former prosecutor. A member of the prosecutors clinical program, upon graduating from Suffolk University Law School, Shane was appointed as an Assistant District Attorney in Middlesex County, Massachusetts’ largest County. Shane represented the Commonwealth in the courtroom on a daily basis, arguing bail hearings, evidentiary motions, and litigating complex criminal litigation matters through to bench and jury trials regularly.

A New Hampshire native, Shane returned to Concord, New Hampshire to work in the Criminal Bureau of the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office. There, Shane began by working in tandem with the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security to prosecute cases of unemployment Fraud in the New Hampshire Superior Courts. Shane was eventually promoted into the Drug Prosecution Unit of the Criminal Bureau of the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office, and was commissioned as an Assistant Attorney General. In addition to being on-call to respond to active homicide investigations and Law Enforcement Officer Involved uses of lethal force investigations, as an Assistant Attorney General he worked to prosecute crimes including drug felonies, and civil asset forfeiture resulting from narcotics investigations. During his time at the Attorney General’s Office, Shane successfully drafted appellate briefs and orally argued in front of the New Hampshire Court, securing favorable judgements for the State of New Hampshire.

Shane hopes to benefit his clients using the knowledge he has obtained from working in multiple prosecutorial offices in the New England area.


J.D., Magna Cum Laude Suffolk University Law School (2017)

B.S., Cum Laude Finance and Management, the University of New Hampshire (2014)

Bar Admissions


New Hampshire

U.S. District Court, District of New Hampshire


Attorney Anna Shaddae Rodriguez

Attorney Anna Shaddae Rodriguez brings valuable experience as a former Public Defender to our team. She holds a degree from Northeastern University School of Law and had accrued extensive experience in defense firms, handling district court criminal defense cases and criminal appeals through Northeastern Co-op program prior to graduation. She was awarded the prestigious Massachusetts Bar Association Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. Scholarship.

Following graduation, Anna joined the Committee for Public Counsel Services in Essex County as a trial attorney. In this role, she tirelessly represented indigent individuals accused of crimes, providing comprehensive legal support from arraignment to case resolution in both district and superior courts.

Originally from Boston, MA, Anna relocated to the Essex County area, leveraging her background as a child of Dominican immigrants and her fluency in Spanish to assist non-English speakers in navigating the complexities of our legal system. Her goal is to advocate for her clients by utilizing her profound understanding of the courts, adept interpersonal skills, and unwavering commitment to fairness.


J.D., Northeastern University School of Law

B.A., Hampshire College

Bar Admissions


New Hampshire

Abogada Anna Shaddae Rodríguez

La abogada Anna Shaddae Rodríguez aporta a nuestro equipo una valiosa experiencia como Defensora Pública. Tiene un título de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Northeastern y había acumulado una amplia experiencia en firmas de defensa, manejando casos de defensa penal en tribunales de distrito y apelaciones penales a través del programa Northeastern Co-op antes de graduarse. Fue presentada con la prestigiosa beca Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. del Colegio de Abogados de Massachusetts.

Después de graduarse, Anna se unió al Comité de Servicios de Asesoría Pública en Essex como abogada litigante. En este cargo, representó incansablemente a personas indigentes acusadas de delitos, proporcionando apoyo legal integral desde la acusación hasta la resolución del caso en los tribunales de distrito y superior.

Originalmente de Boston, MA, Anna se trasladó al área del condado de Essex, aprovechando su origen como hija de inmigrantes dominicanos y su fluidez en español para ayudar a navegar por las complejidades de nuestro sistema legal. Su objetivo es defender a sus clientes utilizando su profundo conocimiento de los tribunales, habilidades interpersonales y su compromiso a la justicia.


J.D., Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Northeastern

B.A., Hampshire College

Admisión al Colegio de Abogados


New Hampshire

Paralegal Carmen Morgan

Carmen excels in customer relations and is always ready to lend a helping hand. She makes our clients and potential clients feel at ease with her bright, “can-do” attitude and willingness to do whatever it takes, making her a valued member of our team.

Born in Ecuador, Carmen was raised in Nashua, New Hampshire, where she now resides. She earned an Associate’s Degree in criminal justice from Hesser College and a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Strayer University in Florida. Before joining Bowser Law in 2021, she worked at the Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office for three years.

In her spare time, Carmen enjoys going to the gym, spending time with family, and raising her son.

Bilingual: Fluent in Spanish

Paralegal Carmen Morgan

Carmen siempre está lista para ajudar a los abogados con cualquier cosa. Hace que nuestros clientes y potenciales clientes se sientan a gusto con su actitud positiva y su disposición para hacer lo que sea necesario, lo que la convierte en un miembro valioso de nuestro equipo.

Carmen nacio en Ecuador y se crió en Nashua, New Hampshire, donde reside actualmente. Obtuvo un título de Asociado en Justicia Penal de Hesser College y una Licenciatura en Ciencias en Justicia Penal de Strayer University en Florida. Antes de unirse a Bowser Law en 2021, trabajó en la Oficina del Fiscal del Condado de Hillsborough durante tres años.

En su tiempo libre, Carmen disfruta ir al gimnasio, pasar tiempo con su familia y criar a su hijo.

Bilingüe: Fluida en español

29 years of Proven Results.

(888) 526-9737