NH DWI Charge Dismissed

MA Driver stopped for speeding on motorcycle.  Police allege driver passed stationary cruiser at 82 MPH.  Once operator is stopped Officer notes and odor of alcohol and red/glassy eyes.  The driver initially denies drinking but later admits to having a drink with friends hours earlier.  Driver passes Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus test, but has some difficulty with Walk & Turn and One Leg Stand test.  Booking video show client steady and cooperative throughout booking process.  DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

MA Driver stopped by police for failing to yield to police cruiser while entering rotary.  Officer notes odor of alcohol, slow slurred speech and red/glassy eyes.  Driver admits to consuming “two drinks.”  Driver participates in some field sobriety tests but refuses to complete others.  Driver is emotionally distraught by end or roadside encounter.  DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.  Lifetime Lookback impact of Melanie’s Law avoided.

Personal Injury Case

After being in an automobile accident, I knew I needed to seek assistance. I was concerned as to the extent of my injuries and how I was going to be down the road. The accident wasn’t my fault and I needed to know what my options are. It was worth the consult with Michael Bowser, as he would take on my case. Working with his staff has been professional and they are highly compassionate. In the end I am pleased with how my case was settled.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

MA Driver stopped by police for Negligent Operation and Disobeying A Police Officer after he failed to pull over earlier for police attempting to effect a Speeding stop.  Second Oficer overheard “BOLO” report, or be on the lookout for this bike.  After arrest Officers’ note glassy/red eyes and odor of alcohol coming from driver at booking.  He submits to field sobriety tests at station, passing portions of each test.  Police allege he fails to properly blow into breath test device and deem him a refusal.  DWI charge dismissed prior to trial and ALS suspension vacated by agreement.

Personal Injury Settlement – I highly recommend Bowser Law!

“Mike was recommended to me by a lawyer friend after the last of a series of auto accidents. This particular accident was a head-on collision to which I had no fault. My young daughter was with me and we both sustained soft tissue damage; mine more serious than hers, but both requiring physical therapy and multiple doctor visits, not to mention all the paperwork and administration that goes with it. This is where Mike and his team shined, assisting at every level, answering multiple questions, and taking pressure off of me to heal and manage it all.

In the end, Mike and team negotiated a very good settlement, saving me and my family months of back and forth with providers and insurance companies. Mike and team understand all aspects of such cases and will do everything in their power to get a reasonable settlement in a timely manner. Trust Bowser law, if needed; I am glad I did.”

Amazing Results

My son got into some problems being a minor and having to do with Alcohol. He was arrested for A DUI and I had to get a lawyer before this whole mess went to trial and made my life and my sons life a living hell. I went to the internet and did some research on DUI lawyers. I came across Michael Bowser’s add and made a call and got an appt to talk to him and explain out problem. His office was wonderful with taking my sons case. The charges were dropped to wreckless driving and my son only lost his license for 30 days. We had to goto the DMV for a hearing and the lawyer from his office was wonderful. Before the hearing he spoke with the office and resolved issues so there was no hearing at the DMW. I couldn’t of been more happy with the work they did and the outcome they got.

I also myself used him for a Personal Injury Case. I was hit by a elderly gentleman and sustained back and neck injuries. After waiting 3 years we have a settlement that is very pleasing to me. The lawyers in his office have been wonderful to work with. Thru the delays, paperwork and Dr. Appts they have been there to help me get to where we are now. My case resolved and finally getting a settlement that I am very happy with.

I would recommend Michael Bowser and his staff of wonder lawyers to anyone. I couldn’t of asked for a more helpful and understanding and dedicated group of lawyers and staff to of worked with thru these legal issues.

Personal injury, personal service

Working with Mr. Bowser and his entire team was simple and enjoyable. Mollie Belli went above and beyond to make sure I was not only taken care of from a legal standpoint but also would call just to make sure I was healing well from my injuries. Mr. Bowser and his team worked hard for me and made the entire process simple and hassle free. Friendly and professional service. I highly recommend!

MA OUI Conviction Vacated – Dismissed

MA driver facing consequences of Second Offense Under Melanie’s Law Lifetime Lookback provisions for 2016 OUI 2nd Offense. Defense files Motion to Vacate 1992 OUI plea. Motion granted and prior OUI disposition is vacated for unconstitutional plea procedure. Charge then dismissed for lack of prosecution. 2016 Offense reduced to 1st Offense.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

MA Driver stopped by police for failing to negotiate off ramp properly while driving too slowly.  Driver admits to talking on cell phone.  Officer notes odor of alcohol and red/glassy eyes.  Driver admits to drinking one (1) wine after work where she just left.  Driver arrested after field sobriety testing. Post arrest breath test .08 BrAC.  Defense uses booking video to demonstrate apparent sobriety and argue driver could have been under legal limit at time of driving.  DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to area of citizen cell phone report of erratic operator by given vehicle description and plate number.  Police follow vehicle onto highway where they make observations of lane control issues.  After stop driver refuses to participate in field sobriety tests. Police notice odor of alcohol, slurred speech and unsteadiness upon exit. Driver refuses breath test at station.  DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.