NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to scene of single car roll-over accident. Client admits to drinking earlier and being the driver, stating that he lost control on curvy unfamiliar roadway. Police administer only one field sobriety test before client is tended to by EMTs for complaint of leg and head injury. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Driver involved in minor rear-end collision leaving race track in heavy bumper to bumper traffic. Police respond and ask client to submit to field sobriety tests when he admits to drinking, but not for several hours. Defense prepared to argue performance on field sobriety tests impacted by nervousness, fear and embarrassment as he is asked to take tests in front of hundreds of motorists passing by. DWI charge dismissed before trial.

Not Guilty NH DWI Charge

Accused drunk driver stopped on highway for marked lanes violation. Police find open liquor bottle in car with evidence that driver or passenger was drinking from cup in car. Police allege driver failed all field sobriety tests and acted erratically during booking process. Defense focuses on young mother’s fear in arrest situation and emotional distress throughout process including custody when she is told that she is being held without release on bail and will not see her infant child for two (2) days. Not guilty verdict following trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police stop client in restaurant parking lot after receiving report of erratic operation from citizen caller. Alleged drunk driver admits to drinking at earlier concert. Field sobriety tests completed and police note that client complained of recent knee surgery complicating his performance on tests. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty NH Drunk Driving Case

Driver stopped by police as he is seen drinking from an open container of beer while driving pick-up truck. Police note odor of alcohol, red/glassy eyes, open containers and admission to drinking. Defense focuses on client’s performance on field sobriety tests and demeanor during arrest, transport and booking to show lack of evidence of impairment. Not guilty verdict following trial.

MA DUI Case Dismissed

Several police respond to underage drinking party to breakup party and make arrests. Officer in street observes client vehicle approach area and then stop “abruptly” and drive off in opposite direction. No erratic operation observed by police. Officer stops vehicle with blue lights believing driver may be underage person connected to party. Defense Motion to Suppress stop and arrest allowed as police lacked reasonable articulable suspicion that driver had committed a crime. OUI charge dismissed.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to scene of single car rollover accident. Client admits to being driver and participates in limited number of field sobriety tests due to head and leg injuries. Police detect odor of alcohol and unsteadiness. Defense prepared to argue observations made by police are consistent with symptoms related to injuries, not impairment by alcohol. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Client works 16 hour double shift and returns home where he consumes two beers. Client called to pick up and drop off friend, where he later becomes lost. Police stop client for unusual operation and allege he failed field sobriety tests. Defense prepared to argue difficulty with tests attributable to fatigue and driving behavior consistent with lost operator. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty NH Drunk Driving Case

Client stopped by police for speeding mid-afternoon coming home from shop Christmas meeting/party. Client admits to consuming two beers and dose of Nyquil. Open container located in vehicle. Defense focuses on good operation of vehicle and lack of adherence to field sobriety testing protocols. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Not Guilty MA DUI Case

Client’s attention drawn away from roadway due to cell phone call. Vehicle collides with two pedestrians at busy intersection witnessed by police. Arrest follows when client does not immediately stop following collision with pedestrian, open container found in passenger’s seat area. Alleged drunk driver admits to drinking and performs field sobriety testing at police station. Not guilty verdict on OUI charge following trial.