Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI Drugs

Police respond to a call of erratic driving. The officer follows the suspected vehicle observing several motor vehicle infractions including neglecting red traffic signals and crossing yellow lines multiple times. Officer conducts a motor vehicle stop. Officer notes a faint smell of burnt marijuana, asks driver to submit to sobriety testing to which the driver agrees. Officer asks driver to remove hands from pockets on multiple occasions, leading the officer to pat search the individual. Officer discovers bag of material resembling marijuana, driver admits to having smoked marijuana prior to operating his vehicle. Officer conducts sobriety tests, arrest follows. Defense limits officer testimony regarding standardized field sobriety testing, as they were not designed or promulgated to detect impairment by marijuana. Defense further limits officer’s ability to render an opinion as to impairment by marijuana. Not guilty verdict following trial.

29 years of Proven Results.

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