Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI

Police respond to a call of an individual in violation of a bail protection order. Police arrive on scene at the address finding a vehicle parked there. Officers make contact with the residence owner and form the opinion that she was intoxicated. They then proceed on foot in search of the individual in violation of his bail order. Another officer later notices vehicle that was parked at the residence driving and pulls the vehicle over. Officer identifies driver as the owner of the residence involved in the bail order, also notes the driver’s slurred speech and glassy eyes. Officer conducts field sobriety tests, place driver under arrest. Defense utilizes cruiser mounted video of stop and field sobriety testing as well as driver’s medical records related to a recent ankle surgery to cross examine arresting officer. Not guilty verdict on DWI charge after trial.

29 years of Proven Results.

(888) 526-9737