Michael Bowser has been an absolute life saver. I received an OUI charge in MA as a NH resident, being so young this was one of the scariest things that had ever happened to me. I had no idea what I was in for, scared was an understatement. At the consultation, Mike let me know every option I had, every outcome and explained every piece of information we had discussed extremely clear. At no point did I feel pressured by him or misunderstood. Him and his team stayed in contact with me throughout this 10 month process, any questions I had I could call and ask and would get a returned answer by the next day or before! As we went through many hearings, I was very impressed with the way he represented myself and the case. When the time of the trial came, I was still mortified to be faced with such a serious matter but I knew I was in good hands. This man is extremely intelligent and while listening to the way he delivered my case I felt very comfortable. Thank you Mike for all your help, I couldn’t express my appreciation enough!