Second Offense OUI- Not Guilty

Before hiring Michael he had said to me on the phone,

“Please do not hire me if you want to take a plea bargain because I take cases to go to trial if necessary and win.”

I immediately knew he was the right choice. We did have to go to trial but Michael is an extremely knowledgeable, experienced, hard working individual and displayed his expertise throughout his performance in the courtroom. With the rookie arresting officer in the stand he questioned him- making him contradict his words multiple times. The judge was nearly rolling his eyes by the time Michael was done with him. NOT GUILTY verdict of the OUI & driving to endanger & he even got the driving without a license dropped to a CWAF- unreal. I would strongly recommend hiring Michael. I was extremely impressed with his overall professionalism.

Michael Bowser Recomendation

Mike Bowser was my attorney for a OUI 2nd offense case in Lowell, MA. I started with a public defender who quit, I then hired another attorney who could not accomplish anything just more money and court dates so I fired him. I then found Mike Bowser on line, had a consultation and hired him. He is very honest, he would not take my money until he looked at my case to see what the other attorneys had done or not done. He then said he would take the case and that I did need his help. His knowledge about the OUI/DUI laws was outstanding. He professionalism was bar none. He swiftly moved through the process of what was left to do, what he did others were unable to and my case was finally dismissed because of him. His fees were fair and I wish I had hired him right from the beginning. Anyone that has a DUI/OUI should consider getting a consultation from him. I would highly recommend him. He knows how to present the case for winning not just making a “plea” as many attorneys like to do but I wanted no records of this as I was innocent. If you are in need of a top notch, fair, knowledgeable, expert attorney call him and no one else. He fights hard for you. Follow what he instructs you to do, he knows the laws even though you may think you do! You may think he is quit but he knows who to talk with and what to say and do in the courtroom. If not for him I would never be driving again, he was my savior! Remember your lawyer is not your friend he I your attorney.


Mike did an outstanding job on my case. When you hire Mike you are getting someone who is knowledgeable, thorough and professional. If you are looking for a outstanding lawyer do not hesitate in choosing Mike. He is definitely head and shoulders above his peers.

MA OUI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Driver pulls over when he sees blue lights behind him. Police actually targeting car in front of him. When police instruct him to leave he bumps into cruiser with his car. Police approach again, and now note odor of burnt marijuana. Driver admits to just smoking a joint after buying marijuana in city. Police tow driver’s car and make him wait for ride. No arrest made, but client later summonsed to Court to answer complaint charging OUI Drugs. Defense Motion to Dismiss charge granted by Court.

Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI Drugs Charge

Police stop driver during early afternoon when concerned citizen calls police to say driver is acting erratically in parking lot across the street from pharmacy. Car is stopped in middle of road when police arrive. Driver submits to field sobriety testing but is 0.00 on breath test. Police suspect she is under the influence of combination of prescribed drugs. Prosecution cannot prove impairment of any particular substance at trial. Not Guilty Verdict. Lifetime Lookback effects of Melanie’s Law avoided for this MA resident driver with prior Florida DWI.

Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI Charge

Police respond to report of woman passed out/asleep behind wheel in rush hour traffic on Main Thoroughfare. First officer on scene notes driver is lethargic, confused and appears with glassy/bloodshot eyes and slurred speech. He does not note odor of alcohol. 2nd Officer makes same observations and determines driver failed field sobriety tests. Neither Officer notes odor of alcohol in testimony or relates driver’s symptoms to alcohol intoxication, only that she appears “impaired.” Defense Motion for Required Finding of Not Guilty at close of all Evidence Granted by Court.

The best defense

He was very down to earth and easy to talk to, explained the options and reduced all charges to a bare minimum. Eased all my anxieties about court before the trial. I’m thankful he was there to guide me through the process. I’d have him back on my team and recommend him to others.

Knowledgeable and Reliable

I recently received an OUI in Mass while residing in NH. I was very concerned about what was going to happen to my driving legality, but upon consultation w Attorney Michael Bowser, my fears were soon soothed. As a first offender, I contacted Atty Bowser with many questions: could I vote? How do I know NH won’t suspend my license also? Should I pay my reinstatement fee now knowing that I am going to have my license suspended again in a few weeks at court? (your license is suspended if you fail the breathalyzer and its also suspended after your court date – you can pay one before the other but there are gonna be 2 $500 fees regardless).

Anyway, I am grateful for the advice and guidance that was offered to me from Atty Bowser. Your friends might have their own opinions about what they experienced, but I assure you, there is no type of comfort than that of a seasoned attorney who has the experience in two states like this guy. He is the man and I recommend him 100%! Good luck!

Very Knowledgeable Attorney

I had a very complicated situation with the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles involving foreign jurisdictions. Michael was extremely knowledgeable and assisted me in getting my matter cleared up in an unbelievably short period of time. Thanks again Michael you are the best!

Awesome lawyer!

Michael bowser is definitely one of the best in the business. He was able to get my dui in New Hampshire down to a reckless. Being a mass resident, it gets complicated. Attorney Bowser is an expert in matters concerning both states. From the start he made me feel like I was in good hands. I most definitely was. Thank you mike. If I ever need a lawyer in the future, Bowser law is getting my call!