Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI

Police responding to report of erratic operator scour neighborhood looking for certain vehicle near home of registered owner. Short time later vehicle is stopped for speeding violation. Driver admits to drinking and participates in field sobriety testing. Arrest follows Preliminary Breath Test result .295. PBT not admissible as evidence at trial. Booking video depicts driver having apparent anxiety attack. Defense focuses on driver’s emotional/mental well-being versus intoxication. Not guilty verdict following trial. Lifetime Lookback impacts under Melanie’s Law avoided.

When your back’s against the wall………… you know where to go!

“Attorney Bowser provided sound advice and prompt responses to help me resolve my legal issues in two very different cases. The greatest asset is his calm demeanor that provided great comfort to me while I was dealing with what seemed to be very serious legal issues.

I had a DUI which with Attorney Bowsers guidance we took to trial. Due to his foresight and preparation we were able to get a dismissal. This case did not involve breathalyzer as I refused it.

I also recently had a ‘leaving the scene’ case which was very complicated. With his confident advice and support I was able to receive a ‘CWOF’ and although at times I was extremely anxious his calm and confident approach allowed me to stay strong and see the case to closure without any further negative consequences to my work or family life.

I would not say that I have any significant experience with attorney’s, but I will say that I got lucky by finding the right one and I’m forever grateful for Attorney Bowser’s expertise and professionalism.”

NH DWI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police approach area of motor vehicle stop where Officer from neighboring cross-state border town has stopped driver. Driver allegedly involved in hit and run accident in Massachusetts town. NH officer notes driver’s glassy/red eyes and pin point pupils. Driver allows her car to roll backwards in the Massachusetts patrol car while the Officers confer. Unused syringes found in car, but driver refuses all field and chemical testing. DWI Drugs Charge dismissed prior to trial.

Best in the Biz!!!

Last July I was involved in an accident and ended being charged with OUI. When asking around about a good lawyer, attorney Bowser was highly recommended by a number of people. I was told he was the best and after meeting with him the first time, it was apparent that they were right. He was extremely knowledgeable and knew exactly what to do throughout the whole process. I just had my trial in April and was found not guilty of OUI!! I assumed that would be the end of his help for me, but he has continued to advise me through the whole process with the registry and anything else I have had to deal with in getting my license back. All I can say is I would highly recommend attorney Bowser and if I ever need legal representation in the future, he would be the first person I call.

“Not Guilty” in BWI case

“I was represented in a NH District Court by Mike Bowser on a BWI (Boating while intoxicated) case that turned my life upside down. I was in a rather bad Boating accident that left me banged up pretty nicely as well as loss of my driver’s license for 7+ months (6 months administrative loss, plus a bit for trial to finish).

That fateful night, I took the field sobriety test (that I felt I would pass) and failed it, so I refused the breathalyzer leading to a mandatory 6 months without license (administrative loss of license), had I known this I would have blown but that’s history. Michael explained the potential sentence if guilty in NH as well as my obligation while residing in Mass.

I met with Mike discussed my case and presented him pictures depicting my injuries from the accident. After our discussions, he felt we had a great case. Mike also mentioned he wanted to hire an expert witness (a Doctor) to substantiate my concussion (which yields similar symptoms as intoxication during field sobriety tests), I agreed and we discussed a very reasonable fee for his services in addition to a retainer for the Doctor.

Pleading innocent, we had a Bench trial (just a judge making a decision). The prosecution presented their case (NH vs me) first. After the prosecuting attorney presented I was feeling pretty lousy about my chances as well as myself for being in this predicament. When Mike presented along with cross examination of the State’s witnesses I quickly felt that we were not only going to win but felt certain it wasn’t even going to be close. Mike proved to be very organized and prepared for very technical questioning that showed he has as much if not more knowledge about field sobriety testing than the police (in my case Coast Guard). At some points I felt bad for the prosecution as he totally turned their inferences of my condition that evening against them. The Doctor we presented did a fabulous job explaining my head injuries, and concluded that my concussion contributed to my inability to perform road side field sobriety testing. The Doctors discussions on concussion and its effects were expensive but worth every penny.

In addition to being knowledgeable, Mike displayed a confidence without being arrogant, loud or demeaning to any of the States witnesses. I could tell the judge was very aware when Mike was able to disprove comments that were untrue or unfounded on cross examination.

The judge returned a “”Not Guilty”” verdict 3 weeks later (he ruled in 4 days and the clerk’s office took 2 plus weeks to generate the paperwork) via mail. I understand Mike is known for his prowess in DWI cases but Mike has also proved to be fantastic at BWI cases as well. Thanks Mike again and I will be telling others how much you helped me, and certainly will recommend you to others.”

Not Guilty Verdict NH BWI (Boating) Charge

Vessel operator runs aground near his home at night returning from dropping off friends. Responding Marine Patrol investigate crash and arrest operator following his admission that he drank earlier in the day. Some signs of alcohol impairment are present, but operator obviously injured in crash that caused heavy damage to cockpit of vessel. Defense presents evidence of facial/head injury and expert medical witness to explain the presenting symptoms of concussion, which are nearly impossible to distinguish from intoxication. Not Guilty Verdict on BWI charge following trial.

Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI Charge

Driver stopped while riding motorcycle with friends at Bike Week for alleged speeding violation. Driver admits to drinking just 2 beers and of being exhausted, but otherwise not impaired. Arrest follows field sobriety test and post-arrest breath test results are .15 BrAC. Defense presents evidence of defendant’s re-flux/heartburn condition and expert witness to explain how such a condition could artificially inflate the breath test results. Not Guilty Verdict following trial.

NH Aggravated DWI Charge Dismissed

Police find driver asleep/passed out behind wheel of car partially pulled off side of road with engine running. Police note obvious signs of intoxication but man behind wheel insists he was not driving, but was left in his car by man trying to give him a ride home. Good Samaritan left him in car when he couldn’t give directions to his house. Post-arrest breath test .17 BrAC. Aggravated and DWI charges dismissed prior to trial

NH Aggravated DWI Charge Dismissed

Driver stopped by police following citizen cell phone report of an erratic operator. Police note driver’s red/glassy eyes and slurred speech. Driver admits to consuming some vodka. Arrest follows standard field sobriety testing. Post-arrest breath test .21 BrAC. Aggravated and DWI charges dismissed at trial due to missing State’s witness.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Massachusetts Driver pulled over by New Hampshire police. Driver tells police he’s had a few beers and is driving to his girlfriend’s house. Police note odor of alcohol, slightly slurred speech and glassy/bloodshot eyes. Driver is arrested following standard field sobriety tests and refuses post arrest breath test. Six (6) month Administrative License Suspension (ALS) for breath test refusal is dismissed when officer fails to appear for administrative hearing. Reciprocal revocation of Massachusetts license avoided. Defense uses expected trial evidence, including client’s pre-existing medical conditions to negotiate dismissal of DWI Charge. Disposition avoids possibility of a Drunk Driving conviction which would have lifetime effect in Massachusetts under Melanie’s law.