Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Driver stopped by police as he exits highway through long off ramp. Driver admits that he drank at a club earlier but claims he is not impaired. Field sobriety tests and preliminary/portable (PBT) breath test result in arrest despite driver telling police he had a prior leg injury that would affect his performance on the tests. PBT evidence not admitted in Massachusetts because of lack of scientific reliability. Defense admits driver’s certified medical records to document short leg syndrome and limp. Passenger testifies as to the driver’s sobriety and how the police conducted their “investigation” roadside. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Under 21 subject is found standing next to a crashed vehicle hung up on utility pole support wire and rock wall. First officer questions person about crash which subject cannot explain and then orders him to return to the car’s driver’s seat until back up arrives. 2nd officer arrives and conducts more thorough interrogation where subject makes admission to driving, but refuses all field tests and denies drinking. Defense wins pre-trial Motion to Suppress Statements to exclude all statements to 2nd Officer for Miranda violations. At trial evidence limited and defense offers recorded message of subject left for parents from Police Station to refute claim that his speech was slurred during booking. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Defense for Negligent Driving

I amassed a number of violations from a zealous state trooper. Michael’s defense centered on dismissing the Negligent driving claim and reducing the number of violations, so as not to impact my record (much) and ability to drive. Very responsive, knowledged, articulate and worked well at the hearing with the magistrate and trooper – successfully.

The Best Around and He Won’t Let You Down…

“I was referred to Attorney Michael Bowser by some close friends of mine who I trust with my life. The same now goes for Attorney Bowser. He was honest and upfront about my situation from Day 1. He is clearly the best in the business and I would and will recommend him to anyone who is need of his services. He is well-respected throughout the court system by both judges and opposing counsel.

Don’t go at it alone…hire Michael Bowser – he will walk you through the process from day one when he first meets you and provides his consultation. Once you decide to let him work on your behalf – it’s all about you and giving you the best representation possible.”

Fantastic Lawyer!

“I have had the misfortune of having to hire an attorney twice in the last three years on two separate charges, and both times due to the incredible work of Michael Bowser I got the justice that I deserved. One case being an OUI where the case was dismissed and the most recent an assault and battery charge, in which case I was facing a felony conviction that would have ruined my career and life. Throughout an agonizing 21 month process of numerous continuations and court appearances, we finally went to trial, a two day affair that ultimately led to a not guilty verdict and the biggest burden of my life lifted from my shoulders.

Michaels preparation, dedication, tenacity and professionalism were all evident throughout the entire ordeal, and without his expertise I am convinced I would have been found guilty of the charges. The witnesses against me were not truthful in their testimony and through Michael’s artful questioning and skill in the courtroom he was able to expose them for what they were, and that eventually led to the not guilty verdict. I highly recommend Attorney Bowser to anyone in need of a lawyer who cares about his clients, who shows respect for his clients, and has a knowledge in the courtroom that is unsurpassed.”

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

NH driver stopped by NH police for a stop sign violation. Driver tells the officer he was unfamiliar with the area and admitted to drinking 3 beers. Officer notes odor of alcohol emanating from vehicle with passenger admitting to drinking as well. Without noting any other indicators of alcohol impairment the Officer requests the driver exit the vehicle for field sobriety tests. Driver is arrested and later submits to .11 BrAC Breath Test. Defense files and is prepared to argue Motion to Suppress detailing officer’s lack of reasonable articulable suspicion that driver was impaired and grounds to prolong detention and request exit for field sobriety tests. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial and hearing on Motion to Suppress.

MA OUI Not Guilty Verdict

Police respond to scene of collision where driver struck parked vehicle and then drove short distance down road before stopping. Responding officers note odor of alcohol, slurred speech and that driver is unsteady on his feet. Despite heavy vehicle damage from impact driver refuses medical attention. He further refuses to answer questions or to participated in field sobriety tests and a post arrest breath test. After he is released the driver is examined and diagnosed with concussion. Evidence of refusal and silence are inadmissible at trial in Massachusetts. Defense utilizes Emergency Room Medical Doctor as expert witness to describe symptoms and effect of concussion, to include unsteadiness, confusion and amnesia. Not Guilty verdict following trial on OUI Charge.

Drug case

Mr. Bowser helped me with a big drug case and helped me beat it! He was very informative, extremely trustworthy, always on time, very smart and very easy to deal with. He basically saved my life! Mr. Bowser got the case dismissed! The one word that comes to mind when I think of Mr. Bowser is incredible! I would highly recommend him to any friend or family member. He’s the type of guy that in his prescience you feel like your life is in good hands! THANK YOU Mike Bowser for saving my life!

Gives you a reason to remain confident

Michael stuck by me through a dragged out 2 year DUI trial that became an increasing burden to my life every time the court system pushed back the trial date. He was upfront and honest about my defense and my options and showed confidence in his ability to defend my case if I chose to stick through my trial. My official trial date was 2 years after my incident but it only took Mr. Bowser 20 minutes to convince the judge of my innocence and I had my charges dropped as well as got my life back in order without anything chasing me in the rearview mirror any longer. I would highly recommend hiring Mr. Bowser to defend you in court and I would also highly recommend letting your case be pushed to trial before entering any plea deal unless he recommends you do so. He won’t let you down when it’s time for the big stage. He was a beyond a solid legal investment and would hire him again if I was involved with any legal matter. Thank you Michael