Worth his weight in gold

“How to begin… I’ve shed all the tears I could in waiting for my jury trial verdict! What I can say to you with the utmost certainty is this…. my Attorney, Michael Bowser is the most amazing defender of truth, your well being and justice overall. A guilty verdict would not have dissuaded me in my confidence in him or at trial. He made the truth prevail. His confidence in the outcome lifted my spirit! Hung Jury, two days, not guilty! He did a selection of a jury, that some would question, but he was right in his convictions and I’m glad I never second guessed his credentials! Just truly amazing!

Thank you Michael… I feel so privileged to have seen the best!!!”

Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI

Police officers respond to local convenience store for report of intoxicated patron that was just involved in minor collision in parking lot. Police find driver in store buying snacks. He is escorted outside where he reluctantly submits to field sobriety tests after initially refusing same. Defense successfully excludes filed sobriety test evidence based on initial refusal and non- consensual participation. Necessary witness to alleged bad driving fails to appear as witness at trial. Insufficient evidence of intoxication, statements regarding refusal of field sobriety tests excluded, prosecutor cannot prove operation. Not Guilty Verdict following trial.

Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI

Police find young driver sitting in running vehicle behind closed school building in early morning hours. Officers note an obvious odor of alcohol and bloodshot glassy eyes. Driver is arrested following standard fields sobriety tests and submits to .17 Breath Test during booking process. Defense utilizes booking video to establish violation of pre-breath test observation period. Motion to Exclude Breath Test allowed. Not Guilty Verdict following trial.

MA OUI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police respond to scene of reported hit and run. Suspect driver is found walking in a nearby parking lot. Police find him mumbling, unkempt and appearing with extremely constricted pupils. Driver fails all field sobriety test but later tests .00 BrAC on breath test. Criminal complaint alleges OUI Drugs Offense. Defense prepared to argue Motion to Dismiss as Prosecutor lacks evidence from a medical professional on any qualified police witness that can state an opinion as to impairment by any controlled substance other than alcohol. OUI charge is dismissed before trial. Lifetime lookback consequences under Melanie’s Law for subsequent offense avoided.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Husband reports to police station to pick up his spouse who has been arrested. Officer notes an odor of alcohol and that the defendant driver admitted to drinking earlier. Police allege driver fails portions of field sobriety tests administered within the custodial area of the station. There is no evidence of erratic or dangerous driving. Driver refused to provide a breath test sample. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

The best lawyer in the buisness

Michael is an excellent lawyer who will be with you from the first step till the last. I was given the best deal possible and I have no doubt that this happened due to his skills as a lawyer. I can not recommend him enough to anyone seeking legal help.

Not Guilty

Attorney Bowser is a top Lawyer in his field.The best choice I have ever made in a very rough time in my life.He is always available to answer your questions and his passion is second to none.Attorney Bowser will guide you through the process and his knowledge of the law often times surpassed the Courts.He was praised to me by other Attorneys as well as the Clerk at the Trial.If you want the best opportunity to get your life back to normal call Mike Bowser.

HIghly Recommended

Attorney Bowser and his associate Attorney McLaughlin were great to work with and helped me through a very difficult situation. I would absolutely recommend their services if needed!

MA OUI Charge Dismissed

Driver stopped by police for marked lanes violations. Although driver does reasonably well on some field sobriety tests his post arrest breath test is .15 BrAC. Defense argues, but loses Motion to Suppress Stop and Arrest. Matter scheduled for trial and Commonwealth witnesses fail to appear for second time. OUI charge dismissed for lack of prosecution.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Driver stopped for weaving and speeding violations. Police allege driver has bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and an odor of alcohol on his breath. The driver refuses to participate in Field Sobriety Testing and he also refuses post arrest breath test.. Lack of evidence results in DWI charge being dismissed prior to trial.