Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Driver is stopped at a sobriety checkpoint by police officers. Officers note that the driver has slurred speech, glassy and bloodshot eyes, and that the odor of alcohol is present. Officers perform field sobriety tests on the driver, results lead to an arrest. Defense calls independent witnesses who were working with the defendant immediately prior to his arrest. Not guilty verdict following jury trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to a call of a minor two car accident in a parking lot. The officer on scene found that a driver attempting to depart from the lot hit a properly parked vehicle on her way out. After speaking to the owner of the parked vehicle, the officer began to speak to driver at fault and noted the smell of alcohol on her breath. Defendant admits to drinking one beverage, later admits to having drank two margaritas. After performing field sobriety tests the officer placed the driver under arrest.. Defense utilizes booking video and history of lower back injuries to challenge officer’s opinion regarding intoxication and suitability for field sobriety testing. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to a call of a single car accident labeled as a vehicle over the embankment. Officers find the driver unharmed but behaving strangely. They note a strong smell of alcohol coming from the driver’s breath and the individual’s noticeable struggle to answer their questions. After conducting field sobriety tests, the officers made the arrest. Defense prepared to argue that stop investigation and arrest took place outside arresting officer’s jurisdiction. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to a report of a motor vehicle collision involving two cars. The officers arrive on scene and determine that the driver who was hit was rear ended by a second driver. After talking to the second driver, the driver and her vehicle were towed. After dealing with the first driver, the officers met up with the second driver at the location she was towed to. They notice the odor of alcohol on her breath and that her eyes are droopy and glassy in appearance. After conducting field sobriety tests, the officers make the arrest. Defense challenges opinion regarding intoxication based on initial police contact at scene of incident having gone without arrest or DWI investigation. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI

Police respond to a report of a motor vehicle collision involving a car and a trailer attached to another car. After obtaining accident details from the trailer owner, the police begin to question the other driver and notice slurred speech and the odor of alcohol on his breath. After conducting field sobriety tests, the officers arrest the driver. At trial government cannot establish time of accident without independent civilian witnesses. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Not guilty Oui third offense (marajuana) MA

I was arrested for an OUI (marijuana) third offense with two civil driving infractions. In my opinion the police report was condemning. I contacted Mr. Bowser on a Sunday and he showed up at my arraignment the following Tuesday. Being a third offense I was facing a mandatory minimum sentence so a trial was basically my only option. Over the course of his representation he always answered my calls and texts as soon as he was able. When it came time for the trial he prepared me for what he thought may happen. Which was what did eventually happened. I decided to go with a bench trial instead of a jury at his recommendation after he had argued some motions the previous week. I truly believe it was his courtroom experience and vast knowledge of the law that got me a not guilty verdict. He is hard working, experienced, and very knowledgeable. I would recommend him to anyone facing a criminal matter.

NH DWI Drugs Charge Reduced

Police respond to a report of a motor vehicle collision involving three cars. Police begin questioning the driver of the vehicle that caused the crash, noting that his eyes were glassy and that there was a distinct odor of alcohol on his breath. They proceed to conduct field sobriety tests leading to the driver’s arrest. Defense focuses on conflicting identification evidence and statements provided to police by multiple on scene witnesses. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police respond to a call of a person sleeping in their car for a few hours in a parking lot. The officer begin to question the individual, who claimed that she was very tired from driving so she had stopped to eat and rest. The officer asked the driver if she’d be willing to perform field sobriety tests, to which she agreed. Police arrest individual for driving while intoxicated by drugs. Defense utilizes extensive medical record and prescription history to establish that chemical testing of blood only established use of licit and prescribed medications within therapeutic ranges. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police begin following a vehicle after driver fails to use directional on a turn. While following the vehicle the driver fails to use turn signal two more times and also neglects to stop at a stop sign. Police pull the car over and after initially questioning the driver the officer suspects him of being intoxicated. The officer conducts field sobriety tests and then proceeds to arrest the driver. Post arrest breath test .15 BrAC. Defense prepared to argue motion to exclude breath test based on violation of twenty minute observation period depicted in booking video. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.


I got myself pulled over for speeding and also got charged with a DUI in NH, I live in Mass and didn’t want this on my record.
Mr. Bowser took my case and dove right in, he is knowledgeable with the laws between these two states and won my case. With out getting into to much details about my case, I just have to say I highly recommend Michael Bowser!