Attorney Michael Bowser is quite simply your best option in DUI Defense in MA or NH

I am a Massachusetts resident who found myself in the unfortunate predicament of having to hire a DUI attorney after an alleged incident while vacationing in New Hampshire during a long weekend. As a young business owner and family man with 4 children, my life had been turned upside down very quickly as I faced these potential life altering charges. I received a few names of expert DUI attorneys from some law enforcement friends and made some phone calls to the offices of the one’s that were supposed to be the absolute best in New Hampshire defense. I found Attorney Bowser through the reviews on this website and I got the sense that I had a winner after reading several reviews and watching his informational videos. This thought was confirmed after he personally took my phone call when I called his office to ask some basic questions ( none of the other 3 attorneys I contacted did that). We set up an initial consultation and I quickly decided to hire him for my defense. He treated me with respect and dignity despite my embarrassment of being the defendant in a criminal case. The first step to my defense was to appeal the administrative license loss. This is something he always recommends as a necessary strategy despite that it is very infrequently overturned. Attorney Bowser very carefully explained to me how the process was going to happen and made sound judgement in every step of that appeal process including allowing me to testify during the appeal which is something he doesn’t usually recommend. In my case, we won the ALS license suspension which allowed me to continue driving while we awaited trial over the next few months. Attorney Bowser was amazing at communicating with me throughout the duration of my case. He allowed me to reach him via cellphone, text message, and/or email as needed and never neglected any question I had for him. Judgement day in court finally came and Attorney Bowser was confident and amazing during direct examination and cross-examination. His decision making and trial presence were crucial to us obtaining Not Guilty verdicts in both counts of the DUI charges against me that day. He gave me great education and great customer service throughout the entire 5 month process and did it all while treating me like I was his friend. Attorney Michael Bowser earned my absolute highest recommendation as a DUI defense attorney. If you or someone you know are in the unfortunate predicament of needing to defend a DUI charge in either MA or NH, you couldn’t ask for someone better on your side than Attorney Michael Bowser.

Attorney Bowser knew that we had already retained an attorney, yet took the time to explain the law to us.

Although we did not hire Attorney Bowser, as we had previously hired an attorney from NH, he spent over twenty minutes with me on the phone educating me as to what to expect and how to respond to my son’s case in NH. In my opinion, to find a person, never mind a busy attorney, who is willing to spend that much time on the phone, free of charge and just to be helpful, is unheard of now adays. Attorney Bowser is a class act in my eyes!

The Best, bar none.

I was facing a DUI/open container in Goffstown where the officer actually stopped me in New Boston. I blew a .16 for various reasons and found attorney Bowser through an internet search, likely similar to the one you’re performing now. My best advice to you: DO NOT HESITATE to hire Michael Bowser. He’s knowledgeable in his craft, professional, courteous and makes sure you understand the process from your first meeting. I couldn’t be more pleased with the result he was able to get me as well – a reckless driving without open container. He’s a obviously a master in DUI defense and, if you want to feel hopeful and have a real shot at the best possible outcome, you absolutely need the best on your side and that is Michael Bowser in my opinion. I typically don’t review products and services, but needed to review attorney Bowser because I feel I owe it to him and everyone in a similar situation as myself to give an honest review of what this man can do for you. Do not go it alone and, trust me, if you want the very best your search is over right here.

Successful Case

“Attorney Bowser proved himself to be very responsive, diligent, and fair during the recent settlement of my personal injury case.

Attorney Boswer led me through the process beginning when I was injured, through treatment and to a very fair resolution. His courtroom experience working with hundreds of DUI trials was evident during this process as he was able to understand and support my case especially well.

I was extremely satisfied with the legal support that Attorney Bowser provided. Payment of my settlement was very prompt following mediation.

I would definitely recommend Attorney Bowser to anyone seeking legal assistance regardless of issue type. He can definitely lead you in the right direction.”

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

NH Police stop driver for alleged marked lanes violations leading to DWI arrest. Massachusetts resident driver faces enhanced penalties under reciprocity based on prior DUI record and Melanie’s Law. Defense utilizes police cruiser mounted video to contest whether driver actually drove “across” highway markings as required by NH statute, further arguing that driving onto marked line, even three (3) times, does not give rise to legal reasonable articulable suspicion to stop vehicle. Defense Motion to Suppress granted. DWI charge dismissed.

DUI over state lines

very efficient in negotiating an 8 year loss of license to a 6 month suspension without the hassle of a trial. Also like the fact that he can practice in multiple states which helped me and will help me when the time comes for reinstatement.

(DUI) Personally recommended by a Police officer, BEST decision I ever made to hire, saved my future career!!!

Mr. Bowser was referred to me personally by a police officer and called me directly on my phone (on a Sunday!) for advising on what my options were and what he could/would do if I hired him. We then met in person and we began the process. He was extremely professional, helpful, and knowledgeable! Because of my unique situation Mr. Bowser was able to speed up my hearings and eventual trial date. During the trial Mr. Bowser was amazing and convinced the jury to find me “NOT GUILTY.” Those words never sounded so sweet… My entire future was jeopardized by this DUI and Mr. Bowser understood my circumstances, stepped up in my defense, and is now my hero. His kind of work is not easy and I never once took him for granted, nor will I ever forget what he has done for me. I feel like I owe him my life… and in a way, I know I do. If you have put yourself in a situation where you need a hero, take my advise and recommendation; call and schedule an appointment to meet with Mr. Bowser. He’ll analyze all the facts, weigh the odds, and shoot straight with you. He saved my caboose… he might save yours too!

A true EXPERT in his field!!!

Mike Bowser’s incredible knowledge of the intricacies of the state DUI laws, and astute demeanor in the courtroom, was no match for the prosecution. Mike is incredibly experienced in all phases of the trial process. He was extremely comforting to me as we went over the details of the case, explained my options, and discussed the Bowser Law zero tolerance regarding client confidentiality. Mike scrutinizes every detail during Jury selection, and the rapport he established with the Jury as he engages them in the trial was amazing to watch. He was extremely professional and respectful with all members of the courtroom, and had an incredible aura of confidence in his work about him. His expertise in presenting photos from the scene and the breakdown of additional evidence seized severely weakened the prosecution’s case. Mike is an incredibly likeable, professional, and knowledgeable attorney, a true EXPERT in his field, and I owe him dearly.

MA Roadblock OUI Charge Dismissed

Driver stopped at Massachusetts State Police Roadblock outside Boston. Greeting Trooper detects odor of alcohol and driver admits that he consumed two beers in Cambridge. Ordered to “pit” area for Field Sobrity testing. Defense challenges Probable Cause to arrest because client passed one-leg stand test and walk and turn test without displaying typical signs of impairment like slurred speechc and glassy/red eyes. Court agrees evidence of Portable Breath Test and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus are inadmissible. Post arrest Breath Test result .10 BrAC. Motion to Suppress allowed, no probable cause to arrest found, OUI Charge dismissed.