NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to report of drunk customer at service station seeking repiars to vehicle. Police speak to employees/manager but cannot determine whether owner or companion drove truck to garage or whether companion is intoxicated. Police allow truck to leave service station but cannot see who is driving truck. SPOT check of registration/plate discloses registered owner suspended for DWI. Police stop truck without observing erratic operation. Companion/driver arrested for DWI. Defense files Motion to Suppress alleging stop/seizure of truck was made wihout legal basis. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

BOLO (be on lookout for) report sent to police from neighboring police department regarding an erratic operator. Reporting party never identified. Police stop vehicle after observing matching plate from BOLO report and marked lanes violation. Driver pulls over and drives up on curb with no available break down lane. Police allege driver nearly hit mailbox while pulling over. Officer notes slurred speech, odor of alchohol and sweaty flushed face with open containers in car. Driver refuses to participate in field sobriety tests noting his diagnosed “vertigo.” Defense presents medical records confirming vertigo diagnosis effecting balance. Photos of stop scene show driver pulled over at first available spot on road and entered sidewalk without striking 6″ curb and manuevered car around mailbox without hitting it. Not guilty verdict following jury trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Client runs out of gas returning home from card game with friends. As he waits for his wife to arrive with gas the police approach his disabled vehicle and begin convesation. Driver tells he is all set and just waiting for gas. Officer detects odor of alcohol and driver admits he drank “a few” beers earlier. 2nd Officer arrives and insists that driver complete field sobriety tests. Driver says, “I’m all set, I’m not driving.” Client arrested and charged with OUI following field sobriety tests. Defense uses photos of scene to show that client parked stalled vehicle in safe manner and that field sobriety tests were completed on darkened roadway with incline. Not guilty verdict following trial. Three (3) year Chemical Test Refusal (CTR) suspension, because of prior offense more than 20 years ago, vacated by Court following “not guilty” verdict.

Excellent Trial Lawyer

“I was charged with a 2nd offense DUI on a Friday and talked with a number of Lawyers the following Saturday. Mike was by far the most professional and agreed to meet with me on Sunday to discuss my options. He was obviously an expert on DUI laws and wrote down what all of my options were. After he read the police report, he thought we had a pretty good chance of beating it and suggested we take the case to trial. Before the trial date, he drove out to the location of the arrest and picked up on every detail of the site that would cause someone to have difficulty performing the field sobriety tests.

In the court room is where Mike really shined. He caught every discrepancy between the police report and the arresting officers testimony and used it to my advantage. He also knew more about the details of the field sobriety tests than the arresting officers and his cross examination of the officers was critical yet respectful. His opening and closing statements were brilliant and the jury seemed to genuinely like him. Mike was able to paint such a convincing picture that after only 5 minutes of deliberation the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
I was very impressed with the way Mike handled my case before trial, but I had no idea what an asset he really was until we got in the courtroom. He is an excellent trial lawyer and I would recommend him without hesitation.”

A must have Attorney!!!

Mike is a very perfectional and afficent attorney.. I was very blessed to have him on my side. If I ever needed an other lawyer he would be the first to call. I thank you for your patients for all the times we returned to court it was always comforting to see you.


Michael Bowser is an unbelievable attorney. He is very personable and makes you feel comfortable, which is a difficult thing to do when you are awaiting trial. He’s knowledge of DUI law, including police procedures and technical jargon is expansive. One of the best abilities that Michael Bowser has is to engage the jury in the case and explain clearly their responsibility. He was able during the trial to make the jury laugh and made the evidence relatable to them…for example: he would say things such as: slowing down when you see a marked police car is a very typical behavior, something I am sure all of you have done. Statements like this made the jury want to join him and kept them aggreeing with him and involved. I would highly recommend him to anyone!! Even after the case when we were in the lobby one of the jurors walked by and turned to Michael and said…”you are an amazing lawyer!”

Not Guilty on 2nd Offense DUI in MA

“After much research and consideration of many highly regarded and refutable DUI/DWI defense attorneys, I retained Mr. Bowser based on his excellent reputation, experience and knowledge of the laws/intricacies in the DUI/DWI realm, and his willingness to take the time to explain the process and how he would handle your case from start to finish.

Attorney Bowser took the time to listen to my case, understand the intricate details of the night of the traffic stop and night, and then honestly explained the charges, potential defense strategies, and the likely outcomes. Attorney Bowser is the expert in Massachusetts when it comes to DUI/DWI law, he was always fully prepared, kept me updated of the process, and was always updated with the latest DWI/DUI rules + methodology.

We worked together collaboratively to develop a defense strategy that would best represent my not-guilty plea. He was diligent in examining every possibility of getting the breathalyzer results excluded, in the end he prevailed, and the evidence against me was expelled. During the jury trial, Attorney Bowser was masterful, he was extremely professional and related the important facts to the jury, explained the flaws in the prosecution’s case, and made the best possible defense of my charge to the individual jury members. He was respectful and thorough in his examination of the officer’s testimony, and he relied on his knowledge of the DUI process to discredit the testimony without offending the officer. Attorney Bowser diligently worked to earn a not-guilty verdict for my second offense DUI charge, and earned my trust 100 times over. He is a dedicated, honest, forthright, and highly skilled attorney. I recommend him highly and without reservation whatsoever.”

Michael Bowser, an asset in the courtroom

Mike was an undeniable asset in my case and subsequent trial. He was always straightforward and honest, and he did not sugar coat things. He did help me releive me of my initial feelings of dread as well. Mike is highly knowledgable in his field, especially cases involving DWI. I would highly recommend Michael Bowser as an attorney.

He’s a life saver

He is wonderful is every way. I wouldn’t refer anybody but him. He has helped me a tremendous amount. You will leave feeling like you owe him everything. Thanks Michael Bowser, you’re an angel.

Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Driver stopped for travelling outside of highway lane into breakdown lane. Police note odor of alchol, slurred speach and glassy/red eyes. Driver admits to drinking two harpoon beers while watching Patriots game at his parents house. Police allege driver failed standardized filed sobriety tests. Post arrest breath test result .10 BrAC. Defense excludes evidence of breath test on day of trial with Motion in Limine and proceeds to challenge validity of field sobriety test evidence at trial. Not Guilty verdict following Jury Trial.