Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police cruiser monitoring highway traffic during pre-Roadblock saturation patrol on Friday night outside Boston. Officer clocking vehicle in far left lane from far right lane when client approaches from behind in middle lane at high rate of speed. Client slows immediately but police drop in behind and stop him. Police note an odor of alcohol and red/glassy eyes. Driver admits to drinking wine at dinner after work, but refuses to participate in field sobriety tests after exit order. Police admit under cross examination that driver did not display slurred speech and he was otherwise cooperative and polite with no loss of balance or coordination during exit sequence. Driver also responded appropriately and reacted safely in cruiser’s lights. Not Guilty finding following jury trial.

Saved my career and future.Thoroughly impressed, satisfied and thankful

“I would like to heartily thank Mike Bowser for being my counsel in this very important case which would have impacted my career enormously. Imagine if you belong to such a sensitive career which ends if even you get 1 DUI on record, trust me it ends your entire effort of 10-15 yrs. It was the worst night of my life when I was pulled over on a cold NH highway during my vacation while visiting friends of mine and trying to get back to hotel. Of course, when I was charged with DUI by the officer after the TESTs and handed over the summons I was devastated. I was a complete stranger in this state, knew no one. I came back, thought and thought what just happened. Being a professional who can face serious consequences if found to be convicted with DUI, it was the worst time of my life. I was not even in a position to ask around for any capable attorney in NH as it would have sounded danger bells for my career even before the outcomes of the case.

I started my research over the internet, called top lawyers in this field to get info but was confused at end as did not know anyone personal. Being resident of a distant state, it was difficult for me to meet with them face to face as I believe it helps if you can meet with the lawyer in person to get an idea how diligent will he be to defend you in this worst case which people like me can get charged with. Following my list of top choices, I called Mike`s office, left a message with his secretary and he called me back within an hour from his home. He listened to my case in a very discrete professional way realizing that I am very tense and nervous for more than an hour and explained to me about my charges and what strategies he can devise to defend me. He discussed systematically all the events with me for an hour during the very first call without even having any surety that I will hire him. At the end of that conversation when I mentioned that I am really confused what should I do? he replied, “there are many great top lawyers to represent you in NH and you can pick anyone from your list (I shared with him the list of lawyers I called before him) as they all are capable of defending you”. That was a very bold statement which as per my experience can only come from a very qualified, experienced, hardworking and very competent professional. I decided to go with Mike Bowser and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life without any reservation. Attorney Bowser does not only know the DUI law, he knows how to use it also which I was looking for as I wanted master of DUI, not the jack of all. I found him sternly yet pleasantly professional, fully aware of the process, in control of situation, updated with recent DUI methodology and result oriented by every mean possible. I did tell him that I can’t afford to lose from the start and he didn’t let me down. Owing to sensitivity of my career, he ensured my privacy would be maintained and no stone will be left unturned. His strong counsel let me through all the proceedings in a very respectful manner. He filed timely motions with great knowledge after listening to whatever recollections I had from my DUI scene. At end, I was shocked how he pulled out the successful results through active negotiations with prosecutor and system. He got the evidence against me expelled and it was like achieving the impossible. I must say that I don’t know how he achieved this great success but hats off to his strategy. I truly cherish his professional and ethical attitude. I have no reservation to state that I found Attorney Bowser to be timid, reachable, comprehensive, diligent and up to date with DUI laws.”

Thoughtful, Honest, and Informative

I reached out to Mike about the potential for hiring him to look into a legal matter for me and contacted him via his website regarding my situation and I am very thankful I did. Mike responded to me almost instantly and answered all of my questions and told me to save my time and money and that I would not need to hire him for my services. His information was very thoughtful and responsive and helped relieve some stress I had regarding my legal situation. Also, the honesty factor is something you really do not see these days and is a quality character trait. I would definitely recommend contacting Mike Bowser for legal matters, especially in the case of an OUI.

Attorney Bowser

I was arrested and charged for DWI in New Hampshire by a state trooper in June 2012. I had absolutely no idea how to handle this issue. To make matters worse, my residence in another state made this issue complicated to research for answers. After consulting Attorney Bowser, I was put at ease and knew what to expect from my case. Before my trial, Attorney Bowser was able to negotiate a non-criminal offense plea deal with the New Hampshire State Police. Attorney Bowser had faith in my case, and worked diligently to get positive results in a difficult situation. If you are facing a DWI issue, do not hesitate to contact Attorney Bowser.

Highly recommended DUI lawyer

Mike and I endured 12 difficult months of my trial being postponed. In the end, he was prepared and determined to defend every detail of my case. We worked together collaboratively to develop a defense strategy that would best represent my not-guilty plea. Mike is a lawyer that knows how to relate important facts to a jury. He is very knowledgable and able to think quickly on his feet in a court room environment. He is a trustworthy lawyer that will work hard to defend your case.

By far the best DUI attorney in NH and MA

Mike Bowser is the Dr. House of DUI attorneys. He knows the intricacies of the DUI laws that most lawyers do not. To say I was impressed by his performance in the courtroom would be an understatement. Even the Judge reflected to me in public at the end of the trial that my lawyer did an impressive job. I of course was found not guilty. Thank you Michael!

License Revocation Reversed and Case Dismissed

I retained Attorney Bowser after being charged with BWI by the NH Marine Patrol division of the NH State Police in Laconia NH outside the Weirs Beach area on Lake Winnipesaukee. It is well known that the Marine Patrol hides just outside the channel in that area with no lights displayed in order to make stops after dark for lighting infractions. I am highly educated and retained Mr Bowser after substantial research. I have had much experience with attorneys, both in business and personally, and in view of that, I found him unintrusive, proactive, and attentive to detail, and generally refreshing to deal with. He sucessfully and skillfully prevailed in reversing my license suspension through an Administrative License Suspension Hearing before the NH Dept of Safety before the suspension took place (a rare event), and skillfully achieved a dismissal of the BWI case in Laconia District court. In doing so, he was attentive to the timelines and how events would deleteriously affect me personally, and was able to rightfully thwart these adverse consequences very effectively. He is a dedicated, honest, forthright, and highly skilled attorney. I recommend him highly and without reservation whatsoever.