NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police begin following vehicle in early morning hours as it drives through parking lots of various closed businesses and restaurants on busy commercial street. Police feel that driving activity is “suspicious” in light of early morning hours. Just as vehicle re-enters flow of traffic on main thoroughfare police activate blue lights and stop car. Driver displays odor of alcohol, slurred speech and glassy, bloodshot eyes admitting that she was drinking earlier and was only out looking for an open fast food restaurant. DWI in NH arrest follows failed field sobriety tests. Defense prepared to argue Motion to Suppress that traffic stop illegal and not supported by reasonable articulable suspicion of criminal activity. NH DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Citizen cell phone caller reports erratic operation of vehicle in downtown area. 2nd caller gives identical description of vehicle which has just left scene of minor traffic accident moments later. Police trace plate to registered owner’s address. Client is found in house preparing dinner and drinking wine. She denies being driver of vehicle at time of accident and refuses to identify her “girlfriend” who she claims was actually driving. Defense focuses on inconsistencies in two civilian descriptions of driver’s physical appearance and the clothing she was wearing. Arresting Officer admits at administrative hearing that client does not match description given by witnesses. New Hampshire DWI Charge and Conduct After Accident charge dismissed.

Best Lawyer you can hire

Michael Bowser is an impressive lawyer & knows his trade. He’s confident & collected but certainly not arrogant. He handled my case in a calm & methodical manner. He also knew exactly what to present, how to present it, what should be a concern & most importantly what not to worry about (since I was freaking out about just about everything). He managed to show the jury what happened through all the stories the prosecution tried to conjure up. This was not easy since there were 15 years of medical records to sift through & testimony from four police officers & a doctor to be presented. However in the end he did so well that within 15minutes of deliberation I had been found not guilty. I would recommend him to anyone.

Review of Michael Bowser

If you are looking for the best legal representation MIke is the “go to” guy. Mike knows the laws and comes to court prepared.He looks at each case individually and prepares a defense that in my case was quite impressive.This goes back to his experience and his ability to use the laws to pick apart a prosecutors case. In my particuliar case he was able to convince a jury that a police officer not only lied on the stand but made several mistakes that led to a “not guilty” verdict from the jury. I would not hesitate to use Mike again although I don’t foresee needing his service in the future.

Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI Charge

Police stop driver for alleged speeding violation. Driver admits to consuming “two drinks” and agrees to participate in filed sobriety tests. Defendant’s use of prescribed medications for ADHD condition may affect both the horizontal gaze nystagmus test and his ability to successfully complete new tasks such as the Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand test. Defense also focuses on defendant’s ability to assist in the removal of his car’s front bumper for tow operater, while handcuffed, as evidence of his apparent sobriety. Not guilty verdict following NH DWI trial.

MA OUI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police find driver sleeping/passed out in his car behind a closed business in the early morning hours. Driver admits to being “too fucked up to drive.” Search of car discloses evidence of recent marijuana use. Despite government claim that client was driving under the influence of drugs, no percipient witness exists to support claim of impairment by marijuana, which is beyond the understanding of lay persons, and requires expert testimony from the prosecution. Other admissions and statements of defendant are excluded by Defense Motion to Suppress. Standard field sobriety tests were mostly passed and are applicable only as to alcohol impairment. Massachusetts OUI Drugs Charge Dismissed for lack of prosecution.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Driver stopped for one-way street violation in New Hampshire. Although client admits to drinking several beers over many hours he performs reasonably well on field sobriety tests. Post arrest booking video depicts the driver as cooperative, polite and alert, without overt evidence of impairment. Due to conflicting records of a mandatory 20 minute observation period before the reported .14 breath test, the evidence is excludable. NH DWI Charge Dismissed.

Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Alleged Drunk Driver is pulled over by police while negotiating highway construction traffic. Client claims he is forced into breakdown lane by trailer truck failing to yield at lane restriction. Police stop driver for use of breakdown lane and note slurred speech, red/glassy eyes and an odor of alcohol. Driver admits to drinking a few beers after work with colleagues. Despite recent knee injury, police require standard walking and balancing field sobriety tests. Post arrest breath test .10 BrAC. Defense challenges validity and accuracy of breath test device including maintenance and calibration records. Medical records disclose client underwent knee surgery in the days following the arrest for the knee injury. Not guilty verdict following Massachusetts OUI trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police in Massachusetts begin to follow alleged drunk driver because he appears to be speeding on highway. After observing client in traffic police stop him and begin standard OUI investigation to include field sobriety tests. Defense challenges validity of field sobriety tests and officer’s opinion regarding the defendant’s intoxication. Defense asserts police followed driver for nearly 5 miles before deciding to stop him. Driver admits to coming from a local restaurant where he had two drinks with a friend and shared appetizers. Defense calls bartender who served defendant as a witness. Experienced bartender testifies that he is familiar with the client and remembers being surprised to learn he was arrested for OUI given his apparent sobriety and reasonable consumption of alcohol. Not Guilty Verdict following trial.

DUI Defense with complications and a Not Guilty verdict!

Mr. Bowser was receptive to my ideas, sympathetic to the conditions of my arrest, believed in me and my innocence (which I maintain to this day). He was incredibly well prepared, analyzed the data, obtained the records and shared and prepared with me a case for trial. He constantly confirmed with me throughout the process a logical approach to our/ my case at trial and it’s many angles. It seems to me that it was in fact OUR CASE and not just his or mine. The trial process itself was masterful. I would recommend that anyone in need of a sharp lawyer with experience in trial cases have no hesitation in consulting with Mr. Bowser. He is a pro and his reputation can only be held as word!