
I was recently arrested for a first offense DWI in NH. I was referred to Attorney Bowser by my brother, who heard many positive things about his practice. I knew who Mike was, as we grew up a few years apart in the same town. My initial meeting with Mike went very well, and after his detailed explanation of all the facts and what he intended to achieve on my behalf, I felt alot better and knew I was in very capable hands. This was my first DWI offense, but my driving record was poor and I had been suspended in the past due to being a habitual driving offender in the state of Ma. I am a Ma. resident, and Mike explained to me all the possibilities that may happen as a result of my past record. After going over every detail of the night of my arrest, Mike was able to obtain the video tape of the time I spent being processed in the Police station immediately after my arrest.He was then able to use this tape as a bargaining chip in his dealings with the prosecutor, and was able to arrange a plea of Negligent Operation on my behalf. This charge is not a criminal offense, and his knowledge and familiarity with the system and the prosecutors office without a doubt played a huge roll in the reduction of the charges. As a result of his excellent work, I do not have an DWI on my record, and other than a small fine, my only penalty was an automatic 6 month loss of license in the state of NH, which was mandatory due to the fact that I refused to take the Breathlyzer Test on the night of my arrest. Without Attorney Boswer’s knowledge and expertise, the outcome would have been alot worse and would have had an incredibly damaging effect on my job and my future. The day I appeared in court I overheard another attorney,after hearing that attorney Bowser had my charges reduced to Negligent Operation, remarked how he never gets an DWI reduced down to Negligent Operation. I smiled to myself and realized that my decision to go with Mike was the best decision I could have possibly made. Thank you Mike for your work ethic and professionalism, I am truly grateful for everything that you have done on my behalf.

Not Guilty Verdict MA OUI

Alleged Massachusetts Drunk Driver crashes his car into construction sign on highway. Several police respond to scene. Driver appears confused as to time and location. Certain police witnesses note an odor of alcohol and signs of impairment, including odor of alcohol, slurred speech and balance issues, while other police witnesses testify that the driver is “not right”, and possibly ill. Client has no memory of crash or interaction with police and he has a history of migraine syndrome with aura, which often times leads to blackout, slurred speech, loss of vision and physical coordination. Defense presents medical records to substantiate history of migraine syndrome and civilian witnesses who were with client prior to his arrest. Not guilty verdict following MA OUI trial.

Criminal Defense

I highly recommend Attorney Michael S. Bowser Jr., for anyone needing representation. He has helped me with two different issues in the past 3 years.

He did an excellant job representing me in a criminal defense situation. He was thorough and attentive to my issues and we were able to have the case dismissed.

In 2009 he also helped me with a personal lawsuit that was filed against me for property damage that was caused by a faulty refrigerator after my Father had passed away. A nasty downstairs landlord lied about water damage and he was able to negotiate it down to a small settlement.

Attorney Bowser and his Office Staff go above and beyond to ensure you will receive the attention to detail that every one needs in a time of crisis. If I ever need representation again (hopefully never!)…

He is the one I will call. Thank you!

MA OUI Charge Dismissed

Alleged Drunk Driver in Massachusetts involved in head-on collision with oncoming vehicle in snowstorm. Responding police, fire and EMTs take note of the driver’s belligerent behavior and overwhelming odor of alcohol. Although police follow defendant to hospital emergency room they do not request a blood sample. At trial date on OUI Serious Bodily Injury charge the government fails to timely produce any witnesses, to include hospital, police or civilian witness. MA court allows defense request to dismiss charges.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Client stopped by police for marked lanes violations. Driver admits to texting while driving which caused her to momentarily leave her lane of travel. Driver also admits to consuming one (1) glass of wine with friend before driving. Two (2) separate police officers put driver through field sobriety tests. Defense compares and contrasts the officers’ observations and opinions regarding the driver’s condition and performance on these tests Defense witness called to establish time line and driver’s sobriety. Not guilty verdict following MA DUI trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police called to home to investigate a young woman in Massachusetts who has knocked on the front door in the early morning hours. She appears distraught, injured and confused as to how she arrived at home. Responding Police find a vehicle crashed approximately .3 miles from the home with items and property belonging to the client inside. The client denies she was the driver at the time of the crash but police surmise no other persons were involved. Police arrest client and charge her with OUI. Post arrest hospital blood draw is .18 blood alcohol level. Defense challenges evidence of client as only possible operator at time of crash. Not guilty verdict following MA OUI trial.

A DWI Attorney Who Knows His Stuff

I pleaded guilty to a DWAI ( Driving While Ability Impaired) in New York state. Even though I had settled everything with NY with fines and a suspension of my driving privileges in N.Y. for 3 months, I was faced with the punishment that the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles would hand out to me as a licensed driver and resident of MA. It truly is double jeopardy when a client has to deal with more than one state.

Attorney Bowser secured all the facts of my case and represented me before a Registry Hearings Officer. He is very client oriented and a great listener and communicator. He kept in touch with me via the telephone and e-mail. He is well known and respected by those in high authority in the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles.

Undoubtedly I would have had my MA license revoked for one year if it were not for Mr. Bowser representing me.

I located Attorney Bowser’s name on the website for the National College for DUI Defense: www.ncdd. He is board certified by that institution, and I can only say that he is an expert in his specialty.

I cannot say enough positive things about Attorney Michael Bowser.

Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Driver rear-ends another vehicle on roadway while travelling home from Boston. Police arrive to find driver upset and distraught about damage to his vehicle. Operator admits that he consumed “whiskey, wine and beer,” earlier in the evening. Defense prepared to challenge accuracy of post arrest breath test of .11 BrAC, but the evidence is ultimately excluded at trial by the defense. Not guilty verdict following trial on an MA OUI charge.

Look no further – Mike is the best!

Within the first five minutes of my consultation, it was clear that this guy knows the DUI landscape, most specifically the finer points of MA/NH law. While there are all sorts of attorneys who know certain parts of DUI law very well, Michael wastes no time getting to the details that matter and offering his best recommended path.

One more reason to consider Michael is his deep knowledge of both the criminal and thd administrative proceedings. There is a marked delineation here is it’s imperative to find an attorney who understands how they work (and don’t work) together. Michael knows this well – in both MA and NH.

I recommed him without reservation.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police find client asleep behing wheel of car in early morning hours at side of road. Although keys are in the ignition the vehicle is not running. Driver appears to be highly intoxicated but it is unclear how long the car has been parked at this particular location or how the driver arrived there. DWI charge dismissed in this NH drunk driving case.