Not Guilty NH DWI Charge

Alleged Drunk driver in NH stopped by police waiting for his car at toll booth due to citizen cell phone report of erratic operation. Driver stops and is asked to exit. Police detect odor of alcohol, but no slurred speech. Driver does well on most filed sobriety tests but allegedly fails horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN) test and is arrested. Post arrest breath test results of .14 BrAC. Defense challenges validity of field sobriety tests and officer admits on cross exam that HGN is invalid due to improper administration. Defense excludes breath test evidence due to regulatory violations and lack of confrontation of witness issues. Not guilty verdict following NH DWI trial.

Attorney Bowser

I handle exculsively criminal cases on the seacoast and I have used Attorney Bowser on a number of occassions as a lawyer to refer cases I could not handle and as a resource of information, particularly on cross-border questions. ie massachusetts and New Hampshire issues. He is rightly held in high regard.

Ismail Mohammed, Criminal Defense Attorney

I endorse this lawyer. I have seen Attorney Bowser in action and can honestly say he is a top flight attorney. He cares about his clients as seen by the numerous cases he has taken to a jury trial and receiving not guilty’s. It is with great pleasure that I endorse Attorney Bowser.

Thank You Attorney Bowser

“My case was a 1st offense dui in nh, but would have come back to mass as a 3rd offense, triggering an 8 year loss of license.
There was too much to lose by going with any attorney.

I selected Attorney Bowser because he was able to take ma/nh cases and of the 4-5 attorneys I spoke with initially, he seemed the most knowledgeable about the process and how to handle the case ….as with anything…you never truly know if you made the right choice until you go through the process…..Here’s Attorney Bowser’s results for me:

  1. Got the charge of dui in NH reduced to Negligent driving – a simple traffic violation
  2. On the day before the judge, the prosecutor at last minute tried to get me to accept the dui 22 hour classroom program as part of the plea deal….Attorney Bowser reduced this to a LADAC eval, which was a simple 1 hour appt.
  3. After the case was finished in the courts, it was time to go to the registry in MA….Here again, they found my old records and tried to suspend me for 2 years along with a interlock requirement for 2 additional years….This could have taken months or years to resolve through the normal channel of registry appeals process if at all….Attorney Bowser made a phone call and it was cleared up the next day…Got my license back.

I was able to put the whole thing behind me in less than a year.

There are many attorneys out there who will gladly take a case.
Of those, there are a few really good attorneys.
Then there’s attorney Bowser.
The question I asked myself is how much is at stake?
Do I need an attorney, or the BEST attorney?
My experience has been, it makes all the difference.”

DUI or OUI your best chance is Atty Bowser in NH or MA

I got pulled over in Enfield NH and charged with oui in NH it was my 1’st offense but in Mass with Emily’s law it would be treated as my fourth. I only went to court twice and he got it reduced to driving to endanger. I had to plead out because of what was at stake, but I know by the way he questioned the cop @ the probable cause hearing at the registry that there was no way I would get convicted. Worth every cent.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver stopped by police for speeding violation entering major highway on-ramp. Driver admits to consuming one glass of wine at a party but she is unable to recite to the officer the name of the person who hosted the party. Upon exiting car driver participates in field sobriety tests which she performs wearing nearly 4” heels. Arresting Officer admits at administrative license suspension hearing that the driver did not display slurred speech or lack of dexterity handling her license and registration and that the odor of alcohol from the defendant was only “slight.” Defense prepared to argue Motion to Suppress alleging police lacked reasonable articulable suspicion to request exit from vehicle for field sobriety tests under both article 19 of the New Hampshire Constitution and the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. DWI Charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Police respond to scene of single car roll-over accident at highway off-ramp. Alleged drunk driver refuses medical treatment but does not participate in field sobriety tests. Admits to arresting officer that he a “had a couple of drinks” hours earlier after a memorial service in Vermont. Defense uses photographs of State Police barracks, including sally port, booking and custody areas to demonstrate driver’s ability to maneuver and walk without difficulty and follow directions. Dispatch call log offered to show entire roadside investigation lasted only a few moments. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Michael Bowser

Michael Bowser recently represented me in an OUI case in Lawrence, the case was taken to jury trial and his performance in the court room was outstanding. He completely won over the jury panel as well as the judge which led to him successfully beating the case for me and them dropping the charges of the the OUI. I would definitely recommend his service to anyone in need of a lawyer.

Amazing Attorney

Michael was recommended to me by another Attorney that I spoke with regarding my OUI who stated if you want the best attorney with the most experience and knowledge Michael Bowser is who I need to contact. I immediately took her advise and was very pleased I did. Michael saw me immediately and from the minute I met him I knew I was where I needed to be, He listened very attentively to my review of the events, read the police report and stated he thought this was a winable case, but the decision to proceed was mine. He explained how he would go forward and I was sold. He was extremely sensitive and compassionate to my concerns and was always available for questions. His research and preparedness in addition to his unprecidented professionalism set the stage for a not guilty verdict. I highly recommend Michael Bowser, he is a “Brilliant Attorney” .

A Man Who Gives His All and Then Some

First off. Thank You Michael. This Man is by far the best at what he does. I was refered to him by others who had a DUI offense and was told he was the best. Well they are right. If you need a trial Lawyer put yourself in this mans hands. You won’t regret it.

Than You again Michael