Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Alleged drunk driver is stopped on early morning hours of New Year’s day by police officer working special OUI “over the limit/under arrest” detail. Police allege woman ran a red light entering traffic square and then proceeded to fail standard field sobriety tests. Defense challenges validity of field sobriety tests given location on busy highway on-ramp coupled with wet, snowy road conditions. Defense calls client’s friend who spent the entire afternoon, evening and early morning hours with her to counter the police opinion that she was impaired by alcohol and unsafe to drive. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Alleged drunk driver stopped by police for speeding violation. Arresting officer notes odor of alcohol and glassy/bloodshot eyes. Driver participates in numerous filed sobriety tests with partial success before complaining of shortness of breath and chest pains. Medical technicians called to scene but driver refuses treatment. Defense argues nervousness and fear caused anxiety attack at roadside. Once calmed down the driver showed little indicia of impairment and his driving was unremarkable other than a mere speeding violation. Not guilty verdict following trial.


I was referred to Attorney Bowser by a friend and Attorney. I needed the best trial lawyer for my DUI case and I was told he was the best. I’m always skeptical when it comes to the justice system and attorneys that promise the world. I originally had another attorney that took a large sum of money from me and then disappeared from the case which resulted in me having to start from scratch. From the time I entered Attorney Bowsers office I felt comfortable and his staff was very accomodating. We went to trial on my case and I was just totally blown away with his knowledge, professionalism and delivery of my case. He was thorough, direct and focused on the main points of the case that would result in an acquital. What was really refeshing was that he fully trusted in me. You usually can’t find that in a attorney, but you can rest assure that you will find that quality in Attorney Bowser. I want to thank him from the bottom of my heart for he has restored my life and well being. I’m a business professional and will without a doubt refer everyone I know that finds themselves in a situation with law enforcement and feels helpless to contact Attorney Bowser and completely believe that he will provide them with the best defense afforded to them under the law!

Not Guilty MA OUI Charge

Police stop alleged drunk driver for operating at night without headlights illuminated. Driver attempts field sobriety tests after removing 4 inch heels. Defense challenges validity of tests while suspect bare-footed at roadside in cold temperatures. Prosecution seeks to admit driver’s post-arrest admission to taking several prescribed medications in combination with .06 BrAC breath test results to prove impairment by combination of alcohol and drugs. Defense excludes post-arrest admission to drug/alcohol combination in violation of Miranda warnings. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police stop alleged drunk driver for failure to yield to oncoming police cruiser while making left hand turn. Numerous field sobriety tests and statements of driver are excluded by defense with pre-trial motions to suppress based on client’s actual stated refusal of same test due to physical limitations. Defense utilizes driver’s extensive medical records documenting vertigo, lower back and knee injuries to counter government’s allegation that driver exhibited signs of impairment on remaining field sobriety tests. Client’s testimony is key to countering police allegation of alcohol impairment. Not guilty verdict following trial.

Donald Blaszka, DUI and DWI Attorney

I endorse this lawyer. I have known Mike for many years and found that he is one of the most resourceful and hardest working attorneys in the area of criminal defense. When I was a prosecutor, I always spent extra time on the cases that I had against Mike because I knew that his knowledge of the law, preparation and tireless effort would be amongst the best. I believe that Mike is one of the best DWI attorneys in Massachusetts and would recommend him without hesitation.

If you get what you pay for Mike Bowser is worth every penny and more!

I cannot put into words the feeling I had when the jury came in and stated “”not guilty””. I had tears in my eyes and I felt as if a huge weight that was building for the past year was lifted from me.

Just under a year ago I was pulled over and charged with an OUI in MA and living in NH I had no clue what to do, I felt helpless and confused. I contacted Mike’s office and he called me back the same day while on his vacation in FLA. We scheduled a meeting at his office in NH and he spelled out my situation in terms I could understand. I hired Mike on the spot. He handled everything from that point forward, and when I told him I was worried he told me “Let me worry that’s my job.” Mike filed all kinds of motions to suppress and was able to narrow down what the DA could use against us. I use us there for a reason because I felt that Mike and I were a team. He kept me informed and up to date on all courtroom matters.

Finally the day of the trial came and Mike out shined the DA from his selection of the jury to the closing statement that left me thinking “wow”. Before the trial even started Mike was again trying to suppress more of the evidence that the DA could use against us and was able to get the case narrowed down once again. Mikes opening statement clearly spelled out our case and his cross examination of the witnesses was ruthless and he left no question in the jury’s mind that there were other explanations for every action and or event. I testified on my behalf and Mike helped me feel comfortable during a very uncomfortable time.

I would like to comment on Mike’s court room presence he is a powerful speaker without being loud, he had everyone in the court room hanging on his words even the DA. I could tell that the DA and the witnesses respected Mike and that was a powerful influence on the jury. Mike was able to clearly paint pictures with his words that I could visualize in my head and I have to assume the same was seen by the jury.

I would recommend Mike Bowser to anyone who is looking for a competent trial lawyer. I felt as if my life as I know it was in Mike’s hands today and he did not disappoint. I cannot say enough good things about Mike but know this; if anyone I know asks me for a great lawyer I will tell them to use Mike Bowser every time.

Thank you so very much for everything, you have given my kids back their father, and returned me my freedom and peace of mind.
Thanks again

MA OUI Charge Dismissed

Police pull over vehicle after noticing driver fails to proceed through traffic signal immediately when light turns green. Driver refuses to participate in field sobriety tests and becomes angry when asked to step from vehicle. Prosecution unable to produce necessary police witness at trial. OUI charge dismissed.

Michael Bowser has helped me in multiple driveing affense cases

Got a dwi Mike, won on a motion to supress didnt even have to go to trial. After that i got 3 charges of driving with out a lisence got 2 of them down to a driving with out a valid lisence and the other one he won on a motion to surpress in the same town of the dwi. We had a administrative hearing at Concord for my points and Mike got it down to a no action completly dismissed. I would never think of getting any other lawyer. Mike is straight forward and knows exactly what he is doing. A very intelligent man.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver stopped by police on highway for speeding violation. Driver admits to drinking “a few beers” several hours earlier. Driver’s performance on standard field sobriety tests are alleged to be indicative of impairment. Driver’s physical limitations effect validity of field sobriety tests. DWI charge dismissed.