NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police stop alleged drunk driver for marked lane violation. Officer notes that driver walks with limp and may have difficulty with standard balance and coordination tests. Defense prepared to offer evidence that operation of vehicle consistent with driver lost and unfamiliar with area. DWI charge dismissed.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver stopped by police for speeding violation. Officer detects odor of alcohol on driver’s breath and alleges poor performance on field sobriety tests. Defense prepared to challenge arresting officer’s use of non-standardized field sobriety tests in light of recognized protocol for field sobriety testing. DWI charge dismissed.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver stopped for speeding while operating motorcycle in busy concourse during annual “bike week.” Defense prepared to argue client’s performance on field sobriety tests, operation of motorcycle, demeanor, behavior, and cooperation with law enforcement do not constitute evidence of actual impairment by alcohol. DWI charge dismissed.

You want THe BEST?This man is THE BEST!

I was in a position where I needed a lawyer to defend me in a DWI case. Being from Chelmsford myself I knew Mike and his family from growing up in town and going to school with his sister and being a couple a years ahead of Mike. I also knew his younger brother as I was his J.V. hockey coach. This family connection actually made me feel apprehensive.

However, I am a daily reader of the Lowell Sun and knew Mike had represented some high profile clients in the area and had proven them not guilty in DWI trials in the past. I spoke with two of his clients and they could not say enough good things about him. I also spoke with some “”heavy hitters”” or “”people in the know”” down at Lowell District Court who also said that Mike was the BEST lawyer around.

I called Mike and set up an appointment. After calming me down and reassuring me everything was confidential, Mike agreed to take me on as his client at a reasonable price. I told Mike the truth about me and my situation warts and all. I was completely HONEST with him. He in return was completely HONEST with me and most of all I felt he was not judging me nor did I feel anything said in his office was going to make it out of that office. This was extremely important to me.

Mike explained to me my options very clearly and thoroughly. I did some checking with the Registry after and he was completely right in everything he told me. I had 3 or 4 options and Mike did not “”push”” me into what would be easiest for him. Nor did he sugarcoat the seriousness of my situation if we went to trial.

I chose to go to trial. Mike kept me updated and informed of the process all the way up to the day of the trial. Mike even visited the scene of my alleged DWI, taking pictures and making himself aware of being at the actual scene and what allegedly took place.

The day before the trial Mike spoke with me and told me what to where, what time to get there and what to expect.

The day of the trial Mike kept me calm told me to be quiet and he would do his best. I knew he had a 70 percent “”not guilty”” rate but you still never know. During the trial I actually felt bad for the prosecuter and the police officer who testified. Mike blew both of them out of the water with his professionalism and his cross examination of the police officer had the police officer tied up in knots.( I think the police officer left there wondering what just happened to him!)

I also forgot to mention the jury selection. Mike was able to quickly read the prospective jurors profiles and was able to get rid of any potential juror that might have been biased towards me.I was very comfortable with the jury Mike had selected for me.

In the end after just 25 minutes of deliberation, I was found “”NOT GUILTY””. I shook Mike’s hand and could not thank him enough. Mike Bowser is the BEST lawyer,especially for DWI’s, in the state.

MA OUI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police respond to citizen report of impaired driver that has struck curb and disabled vehicle. Defense challenges prosecution’s ability to prove alleged impaired driver’s knowledge of side effects of prescribed medications and police officer’s qualifications to testify as to effects of prescribed medication and safe driving ability. Defense also files Motion To Dismiss OUI charge for failure of police to properly advise alleged impaired driver of statutory rights to breath test and right to independent doctor exam. OUI Drugs charge dismissed on trial date.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police stop alleged drunk driver for failure to yield to pedestrian in crosswalk. During field sobriety testing officer is interrupted, and driver is distracted by on-looking vocal witnesses at roadside. Evidence is insufficient to establish “impairment to any degree.” DWI charge dismissed.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police arrive at scene of single car accident. Alleged Drunk Driver is found nearby claiming his car was taken from local house party without his permission. Police arrest alleged driver and obtain breath test results which are later excluded by defense as evidence in Court. DWI charge dismissed for lack of evidence.

Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI Charge

Alleged drunk driver stopped by police for one-way street violation in vicinity of night club at closing time. Defense challenges police administration of field sobriety tests and accuracy of reported .14 BrAC breath test in light of client’s documented G.E.R.D. condition. Not guilty verdict entered at trial on DWI charge.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police respond to citizen cell phone report of erratic operator stopping driver on busy roadway. Defense challenges validity of field sobriety tests in light of driver’s language barrier and freezing cold temperatures at scene of stop. Not guilty verdict following trial.