NH Drunk Driving Case Dismissed

Police stop client for marked lanes violations. Client admits to drinking three (3) beers but refuses to participate in field sobriety tests. Post arrest breath test results in .12 BrAC. Government unable to admit breath test. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Police respond to scene of single car accident where car rests on its roof having severed utility pole. Alleged drunk driver is removed from driver’s seat by good Samaritan. Police note client’s slurred speech, glassy droopy eyes and odor of alcohol from her breath when she speaks. Further note client’s unsteadiness when she walks to ambulance with EMTs. Arresting officer admits that client’s appearance and demeanor could be evidence of injury from crash. Not guilty verdict following trial.

NH Drunk Driving Case Dismissed

Police respond to scene of two car accident. Client is shaken from crash and unsure whether traffic signal gave her the green light. First officer on scene interviews driver but does not detect any signs of impairment. Second officer on scene reaches opposite conclusion noting odor of alcohol, unsteadiness and slurred speech. DWI Charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver stopped for speeding violation. Police detect odor of alcohol and client admits to having two drinks with dinner. Client refuses to participate in field sobriety tests and later refuses breath test. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to scene of one car accident. Client accused of drunk driving is injured and bleeding from head wound. Police detect odor of alcohol while client is treated in ambulance. Unopened alcohol bottle found in wrecked car. At hospital client refuses to submit to requested blood test. Defense prepared to argue lack of evidence of impairment. DWI Charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty verdict MA OUI Charge

Client stops at construction barrier to speak to police officer working detail. Client engages officer in conversation stating he must drive up road closed to traffic to get to his home. Officer notes odor of alcohol and unusual pupil dilation. Accused drunk driver denies drinking and states he is coming from work. Detail officer calls in second police unit who respond and arrest client when he refuses to participate in field sobriety tests. Defense prepared to utilize booking video to show lack of impairment. Police testify that observations led to opinion that driver “had consumed some alcohol.” Not guilty verdict following trial


I recently hired Attorney Bowser, he was highly recommended to me through a friend. I had been pulled over in NH and been charged with a DUI. Attorney Bowser found that there was no reason for the cop to pull me over in the first place. The case was suppressed and I will not have any charges on my record. This was such a relief. I feel he did an excellent job in doing what he needed to to help me win this case.

MA DUI Case Dismissed

Client stopped on highway for speeding and failure to signal lane change. Police note that driver passes both one-leg stand and walk and turn test but he is arrested based on driving an admission to drinking. Post arrest breath test result .14 BrAC. Defense prepared to challenge accuracy and reliability of breath test. Government unable to proceed with necessary witnesses despite multiple trial dates. OUI Charge dismissed.

NH Drunk Driving Case Dismissed

Police follow alleged drunk driver’s vehicle for over one (1) mile as it proceeds at normal speed on divided roadway. At point in road where lanes widen to allow left turn only at traffic light client’s driver side wheels cross solid white line dividing left turn only lane from main lane of travel. After proceeding through intersection car’s driver’s side tires touch on, but not over, divided yellow line. Court allows defense Motion to Suppress ruling police lacked reasonable basis for initial traffic stop. DWI Charge Dismissed.

Timothy Harrington, Criminal Defense Attorney

I have known Mike for many years, both in and out of the court room. He is a top notch trial lawyer. Mike is one of the most knowlegeable DWI attorneys around. He is an aggressive, hard working and dedicated advocate for his clients. This shows through in the great work and great results he gets for his clients.