NH Drunk Driving Case Dismissed

Alleged drunk driver returns to jurisdiction after being absent for years on charge of DWI and Bail Jumping. Defense does not concede facts of original DWI arrest. Government unable to proceed on facts of DWI case given passage of time. DWI Charge is dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to report of domestic violence incident. Client spends at least thirty (30) minutes with police describing incident involving her estranged husband. When client leaves scene to return home to check on her children she is met by same police and arrested for DWI. Defense obtains dismissal of NH drunk driving case prior to trial.

This man Is a Superb Trial Attorney

Michael Bowser has won 2 dwi trails on my behalf. These were not easy cases.I was facing 1 year or more in prison. His professionalisim,confidence,masterful legal knowledge and skill had the prosecuters scrambling to find any way to plea the states case.Michael was highly recommended to me by a friend and I dont have the vocabulary to describe how happy I had Atty. Bowser represting me.

Peter Gerstenzang, DUI and DWI Attorney

I endorse this lawyer’s work. I referred a very difficult DUI case to Mike which involved a man accused of driving into a building while intoxicated. Mike tried the case before a jury and obtained an acquittal despite these very bad facts. The client called me to thank me for giving him Mike’s name. He said that Mike’s cross examination was “smoking” and that Mike clearly knew much more than the officer about police procedure and the tests that were given to the client by the officer.

John Tenn, DUI and DWI Attorney

Mike Bowser is a skilled DWI defense attorney with an exhaustive knowledge of the law and science of DWI. He works tirelessly to find new and creative ways to win his client’s cases. I strongly recommend Mike to anyone in Massachusetts facing a DWI charge.

Justin McShane, DUI and DWI Attorney

Dedicated. Knowledgeable. Professional. Aggressive. Gutsy. All of these adjectives positively reflect Attorney Bowser. He has earned a true national reputation in defending the citizen among us who has been accused of a crime. I trust him. You will too. He is a true trial attorney.

Harley Wagner, DUI and DWI Attorney

Being a 10+ year, sustaining, lifetime member of the National College for DUI Defense, having attended over two dozen national DUI/DWI training seminars, I have been privileged to get to know many of our nation’s finest DUI/DWI attorneys. Michael Bowser is without question amongst this group. I would not hesitate to refer a loved one of mine to him. In short, I proudly endorse Michael Stephen Bowser, Jr.! The fact he is also a friend and fellow colleague is but a bonus.

Not Guilty Verdict NH Drunk Driving Case

Police respond to area of reported alleged drunk driver pushing disabled motorcycle. Client is tackled to ground while pushing bike on shoulder of road when he doesn’t respond to police verbal commands to stop. Police note odor of alcohol, slurred speech and red, glassy eyes. Client is angry and belligerent when taken into custody for disobeying police. Field sobriety tests are not offered and client angrily refuses to take blood test. Not guilty verdict following trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to report of driver with flat tire in parking lot of fast food establishment. Police arrive and note driver has driven some distance to location with shredded tire. Client admits to drinking two (2) beers at friend’s house and two (2) beers earlier with dinner. Open eighteen pack of beer in trunk is missing just two (2) bottles. Driver accused of drunk driving participates in field sobriety tests but is hindered by large body size and later refuses breath test. Defense obtains dismissal of DWI charge prior to trial.