The penalties for an OUI in MA are very severe. On top of that, there are many other consequences you will face if you are convicted of an OUI. One of the most costly is the increase in your car insurance premiums.
An OUI is one of the worst driving offenses you can commit and your insurance company will use your mistake to increase your insurance rates. Even if you had many years of trouble free driving, an OUI gets you classified as a risky driver. Many Massachusetts drivers have seen their car insurance rates go up drastically. Unfortunately, once these insurance rates increase, they stay much higher for many years to come. When added up, just the increase in your insurance rates can cost you over $10,000 within a few years.
The only way to avoid this, is to be found “not guilty”, and that can only happen if you fight these charges. To fight these charges, you need an experienced trial lawyer who knows how to protect your rights. If you want to fight, call us now: (888) 526-9737.
People who can’t afford an OUI conviction, hire Mike Bowser.