Very professional

I owe Michael Bowser a huge thanks for helping me through a very stressful time in my life and bringing me out on top! He is extremely professional and I highly recommend him as a lawyer if you ever find yourself in a tough spot! When something like an OUI happens in your life, it can be mentally devistating and very stressful. There is a lot at stake, and it can seriously ruin your life. I was lost! Didn’t know where to turn, and then I was pointed in the direction of Michael Bowser by a family friend who was within the legal system. Now not all of you might know someone with a law degree, but when someone within the legal system recommends someone like Michael you go with your instincts and hope for the best. When I met Michael in person I was instantly more confident that this wasn’t the end of the world. He was straight to the point and very clear about the possibilities that could or couldn’t be awaiting me after trail. It was scary hearing it, but talking to him more and more about the matter at hand, it became evident to me I had made the best choice I could possibly make! His firm is modeled after him, and he expects as much of his associates as he does as himself which makes for an amazing experience!

Thank you Mike!!

29 years of Proven Results.

(888) 526-9737