NH Aggravated DWI Charge Dismissed

New York resident stopped for Stop Sign Violation and charged with Aggravated DWI as post arrest breath test is .19 BrAC. Arrest occurs in 1997. Defendant driver defaults and leaves jurisdiction until 2017. Although police witnesses are still available to State, defense prepared to argue breath test results were faulty in 1997 and inadmissible in 2017 for same reason. Aggravated DWI and DWI charge dismissed prior to trial by agreement.

NH DWI Drugs Charge Dismissed

Police stop driver on highway following citizen cell phone report of hazardous operation and then observing her commit several marked lanes violation at approximately 9:00 a.m. Driver appears lethargic, with slurred speech and slowed reactions. Police allege she fails Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus, Walk and Turn and One Leg Stand tests, but she is 0.00 on roadside portable breath test (PBT). Driver refuses to submit to blood test but admits she takes several prescribed medications for anxiety and depression. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to multiple reports of crash on highway. Driver found in breakdown lane in vehicle with heavy front-end damage after crash into Jersey barrier. Driver claims he was cut off by another car that left the scene. Police allege driver fails field sobriety tests after admitting to having a few drinks that afternoon. Conflicting 911 reports substantiate defendant/driver’s account of 2nd vehicle causing accident and leaving scene. Defense presents medical records to confirm existence of client’s hip injury. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial. Lifetime Lookback effect of Melanie’s Law avoided for MA Driver.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police respond to report of minor collision in parking lot of Ferry/Charter Fishing parking lot. Client admits to drinking on fishing trip and police allege he appears with glassy/bloodshot eyes, odor of alcohol and slurred speech. Necessary witness to operation and crash is never identified by Police. DWI Charge dismissed prior to trial.

Simply the Best!

I had a DUI in NH a long time ago, it would’ve been a 1 year jail sentence, but Mike and his firm did an outstanding job of getting it reduced to a lessor charge. Now I am on the verge of getting my licence to drive. He and his associates are very professional. His knowledge about the OUI/DUI laws was outstanding. If not for him I would never be driving again. Attorney Bowser is by far the best around New England.

Very professional

I owe Michael Bowser a huge thanks for helping me through a very stressful time in my life and bringing me out on top! He is extremely professional and I highly recommend him as a lawyer if you ever find yourself in a tough spot! When something like an OUI happens in your life, it can be mentally devistating and very stressful. There is a lot at stake, and it can seriously ruin your life. I was lost! Didn’t know where to turn, and then I was pointed in the direction of Michael Bowser by a family friend who was within the legal system. Now not all of you might know someone with a law degree, but when someone within the legal system recommends someone like Michael you go with your instincts and hope for the best. When I met Michael in person I was instantly more confident that this wasn’t the end of the world. He was straight to the point and very clear about the possibilities that could or couldn’t be awaiting me after trail. It was scary hearing it, but talking to him more and more about the matter at hand, it became evident to me I had made the best choice I could possibly make! His firm is modeled after him, and he expects as much of his associates as he does as himself which makes for an amazing experience!

Thank you Mike!!

MA OUI Charge Dismissed

Police pull over vehicle after it is reported that driver struck barrier pole in parking lot. Driver submits to field sobriety testing and is arrested at scene following police investigation. At least three (3) officers are involved in the stop, investigation and arrest. At third scheduled Motion To Suppress date where defense will challenge validity of stop, police witnesses fail to appear. OUI charge dismissed for lack of prosecution by Order of Court.

NH DWI Charge Dismissed

Police stop vehicle after seeing it roll through stop sign and then stop abruptly in downtown traffic circle. Driver admits to police that he drank one beer at home and another at a local bar where he went to pick up his friends. Police allege driver does poorly on field sobriety tests. Defense uses booking video to show driver’s apparent sobriety, including logical and clear conversation with police. DWI charge dismissed prior to trial.

Not Guilty Verdict NH DWI Charge

Police stop driver for speeding and following too closely. Officer notes driver’s slurred speech, glassy eyes and odor of alcohol. Driver admits to having large glass of wine after works with friends and that she is in a rush to get home to let out her dog. She repeatedly tells police she is nervous and scared. Post arrest breath test .12 BrAC excluded by defense for violation of required observation period by breath test machine operator. Defense focuses on reasons for difficulty with field sobriety tests other than alcohol. Not Guilty finding following trial.

Highly Recommended

After using Attorney Bowser for a recent OUI arrest I would highly recommend him. He and his staff were very professional and always available and ready to answer all my questions and concerns. His knowledge of the law and court procedure is great, and his ability to explain and interpret them to me was equally as good. I feel very lucky to have met and used Attorney Bowser during such a stressful time.